Selasa, 30 November 2010

Benih Perkasa


Di manakah akan ku tumpahkan darah ku ini?
Darah yang ku warisi
Darah berani
Darah setia Hang Tuah sudah pasti.

Di manakah akan ku pertaruhkan maruah ini?
Maruah yang telah ku tebus kembali
Sorakan tak mampu mempedaya diri
Khilaf Pak Kaduk tak mungkin ku ulangi

Di manakah akan ku sulamkan kepintaran ku ini?
Aku penerus kepintaran si Belalang
Tiada kederhakaan dalam perjuangan
Penyelamat Negara terbilang
Muslihat musuh ku tumpas tumbang
Tika keris masih tersisip di pinggang
Dan sarung masih terlekat di pedang
Nusa telah ku sulami dengan bunga kemenangan

Dari manakah datangnya modal insaniah ku ini?
Minda ku kuat, Jiwa waja ku hebat
Kecekalan bukan hanya ada di Barat!!!!
Ini cambahan benih perkasa dari cerita rakyat
Yang kini memacu peradaban alam sejagat.

Puan Norlilah Ismail

Isnin, 29 November 2010

Woman Fighting Sex Slavery Named CNN Hero of the Year


From CNN:

Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- A woman whose group has rescued more than 12,000 women and girls from sex slavery has been named the 2010 CNN Hero of the Year.

Anuradha Koirala was chosen by the public in an online poll that ran for eight weeks on CNN's Anderson Cooper revealed the result at the conclusion of the fourth annual "CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute."

"Human trafficking is a crime, a heinous crime, a shame to humanity," Koirala said earlier in the evening after being introduced as one of the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010. "I ask everyone to join me to create a society free of trafficking. We need to do this for all our daughters."

Koirala was introduced by actress Demi Moore, who along with her husband, Ashton Kutcher, created DNA, The Demi and Ashton Foundation, which aims to eliminate child sex slavery worldwide.
"Every day this woman confronts the worst of what humanity has to offer," Moore said of Koirala. "She says, 'Stop. Stop selling our girls.' By raiding brothels and patrolling the India-Nepal border, she saves girls from being sold into the sex trade, where they are being repeatedly raped for profit, tortured and enslaved."

Garang Biarlah Bertempat



Pada minggu lepas, penulis dan keluarga menikmati makan malam di sebuah restoran yang terletak di Damansara. Bersebelahan meja penulis, duduk satu keluarga yang sebangsa dan seagama dengan penulis. Seorang ayah muda segak bercermin mata dan kelihatan raut wajahnya seorang ayah yang lemah lembut pekertinya. Di sampingnya seorang isteri yang sedang sibuk melayan kerenah dua anak lelaki mereka yang mungkin berusia 4 dan 6 tahun. Si anak yang berusia mungkin 4 tahun ini, dahinya ditampal 'cool-fever'. Mungkin demam.
Bukan penulis berminat untuk menyibukkan diri memerhatikan orang sekeliling menikmati hidangan makan malam yang begitu merangsang selera. Dalam suasana damai dan ceria, tiba-tiba ayah muda tadi bertindak menjerit kepada anak yang bertampal dahinya dan menunjal kepala anaknya. Sambil mulutnya melahap sate ayam, tangannya menerjah ke pipi anak kecil yang demam itu. Penulis tersentak dengan senario tersebut. Ayah muda itu memaki hamun anak itu dengan kata-kata yang tidak dapat diterima akal manusia. Puncanya, anak itu sejak awal lagi kedengaran merengek, mungkin anak itu tidak selesa. Mungkin kesihatannya yang terganggu. Ayah yang memliki ciri-ciri muka baik ini, bertindak garang di tempat awam. Si isteri sudah tentu malu dan marah dengan tindakan suaminya yang menunjuk kegarangan di hadapan orang lain yang juga mempunyai anak-anak.
Berlakulah peperangan lidah antara kedua-duanya. Sekali lagi si ayah menghadiahkan tamparan ke pipi anak yang dahi bertampal tadi. Ini secara tidak langsung menjemput penulis untuk turut campur tangan. Pertama, anak itu masih kecil. Kedua, mengganggu orang lain yang sedang bersantai menikmati hidangan. Ketiga, penulis berada paling dekat dengan situasi itu. Keempat, penulis terasa sekali ingin membahasakan ayah itu. Apabila 4 pertimbangan dibuat, penulis bingkas bangun dan bertemu muka dengan ayah yang garang itu. Penulis membahasakan ayah itu secukupnya dan tidak menggunakan sentuhan fizikal sama sekali. Ayah itu duduk diam termanggu. Tidak bercakap dan menjeling. Kelihatan dia ayah yang baik dan penyabar pada waktu itu. Tidak seperti aksinya tadi. 
Sebelum meninggalkannya,  penulis berkata kepada ayah tadi, "sekali lagi hang buat atau nak tunjuk garang depan orang lagi, aku akan layan hang macam hang buat dekat budak ni."
Tidak salah mendidik anak dengan pelbagai kaedah. Pada hakikatnya pelaksanaan pendidikan anak-anak merupakan amanat besar dari Allah SWT. Penyelewengan pendidikan anak daripada manhaj yang telah ditentukan merupakan pengkhianatan besar terhadap amanat besar itu. 
Jangan sesekali kita sebagai ibu bapa memperkecilkan kecepatan kedewasaan anak-anak. Masa dan peluang perlu diberikan kepada anak-anak untuk maju mereka amat memerlukan bimbingan yang positif dan didikan yang sempurna daripada ibu bapa.
Dalam Perkara 39, Konvensyen mengenai Hak Kanak-Kanak, negara-negara pihak hendaklah mengambil segala langkah yang sewajarnya untuk menggalakkan pemulihan fizikal dan psikologi dan pengintegrasian semula sosial kanak-kanak yang menjadi mangsa: apa jua bentuk pengabaian, eksploitasi atau penyalahgunaan/penganiayaan; penderaan atau apa jua bentuk penghinaan atau hukuman ; atau persengketaan bersenjata. Penyembuhan dan pengintegrasian semula ini hendaklah berlaku dalam suasana yang meningkatkan kesihatan, harga diri dan maruah kanak-kanak tersebut.   
Tugas pengajaran dan pendidikan perlu ditanggung oleh ibu bapa. Anak-anak yang berumur antara empat hingga enam tahun yang suka memerhati dan meniru apa yang berlaku dan menerima apa sahaja yang dilihat dan didengarnya.
Kemudian selepas itu, ayah itu membuat bayaran atas hidangan keluarganya. Mukanya kelihatan masam mencuka menuju ke kereta. Harap hal yang sedemikian rupa tidak berlaku lagi. Penulis hanya mampu memberi senyuman kepadanya sambil terus menikmati nasi putih dengan sup ekor.
Sekian. wassalam.

Ahad, 28 November 2010

Hebatnya Namewee...Dibela Menteri



Penulis tersentak dengan kenyataan yang dibuat oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz di dalam akhbar Mingguan Malaysia pada hari 28 November 2010. Beliau menyatakan bahawa kerajaan tidak mengambil tindakan ke atas Wee Meng Cheng atau dikenali sebagai Namewee kerana pemuda dari Muar, Johor itu tidak melakukan kesalahan terhadap kerajaan dan melanggar undang-undang yang membolehkan dia diambil tindakan.
Bagaimana dengan penghinaannya terhadap orang-orang Melayu dan Islam sebelum ini? Hati kita masih terluka dan belum sembuh. Disaat kita terluka, kerajaan dengan rendah hati memaafkan segala perbuatan Namewee. Namewee meletakkan lagu Negaraku pada taraf yang tidak sepatutnya sedangkan kita apabila terdengar sahaja lagu Negaraku terus berdiri tegak tanpa paksa menghormati lagu Negaraku. Kerajaan memberi kemaafan buat pemuda tersebut dan rela membiarkannya terus mencerca negara yang kita sayangi. Menurut Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri ini, Namewee mencerca dan menunjukkan isyarat lucah yang ditujukan kepada pengetua sebuah sekolah di Kulai, Johor dan ia merupakan kesalahan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Multimedia Malayasia (SKMM). 
Adakah wujud diskriminasi? Atau ada udang di sebalik batu? Pengetua tersebut pula telah dipanggil dan disoal-siasat oleh pihak Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Kononnya telah menimbulkan sentimen perkauman. Namewee tidak melakukan apa-apa kesalahan. Nemewee bebas berkata apa-apa sahaja. Menteri yang mulut laser ini pun tidak mampu menegur perbuatan Namewee tetapi kalau selain daripada Namewee, macam-macam akan keluar daripada mulut menteri ini. 
Menteri itu dengan bangganya menyatakan terpulang kepada pengetua itu untuk mengambil tindakan atau tidak tetapi kerajaan tidak ada hak untuk mengambil tindakan ke atas Namewee. Bagaimanakah perasaan guru-guru yang hampir 400 000 jumlahnya di Malaysia mendengar kenyataan menteri itu? Bagaimana nasib pengetua itu? Namewee terus tersenyum dan tidak mustahil akan melakukan lagi kenyataan yang menggemparkan negara. Fikirkan juga hati dan perasaan rakyat Malaysia yang lain.
Kita perlu membezakan antara makna patriotisme, nasionalisme dan taat setia kera ia saling berkaitan. Tidak ada patriotisme selagi tidak ada taat setia. Taat setia mesti diukur dari segi menghormati dan mematuhi kepada Perlembagaan Negara terlebih dahulu. Persoalannya, di manakah patriotisme jika tidak ada taat setia dan rasa hormat kepada Perlembagaan Negara termasuk peruntukan-peruntukan sensitif seperti perkara 3(1) kedudukan agama Islam, Perkara 152, kedudukan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan. Mempertahankan perlembagaan bermakna mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Berpegah teguh kepada apa yang telah dipersetujui dalam kontrak sosial sebelum merdeka dan dirakamkan di perlembagaan adalah nasionalisme.
Fikirkanlah bentuk tindakan yang boleh diambil terhadap Namewee? Jangan biarkan pemuda itu terus berjalan membusung dada.

Kuwait Urged to Release Blogger Who Criticized Prime Minister



Amnesty International has urged the Kuwaiti authorities to release a blogger who was sentenced to one year in prison this week, on charges relating to an article he wrote on his blog criticizing the country's Prime Minister.

A criminal court in the capital, Kuwait City, sentenced the journalist and lawyer Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader al-Jasem on Monday after he was convicted of criminal defamation in a case filed against him by the Prime Minister, Shaikh Nasser al-Mohammad al-Sabah.

The sentence began immediately and Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader al-Jasem is held at Kuwait Central Prison.

The case is believed to be one of six that the government has reportedly filed against the journalist and one of four brought by the Prime Minister in the last year.

"Amnesty International believes that Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader al-Jasem has been convicted and sentenced solely for non-violently exercising his right to freedom of expression and is therefore a prisoner of conscience," said Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa.

"The authorities should release him immediately and unconditionally and, more broadly, cease their apparent attempts to stop him from airing his views on the government and Kuwait's ruling family."

The article which led to Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader al-Jasem's imprisonment was entitled "Nasser XVII" and published on his news blog, Mizan, in 2009. In it, he criticized the Kuwaiti Prime Minister, arguing that he had allowed Iranian intelligence to interfere in Kuwaiti politics.

In another recent case, Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader al-Jasem was arrested on 11 May and charged with harming national interests and undermining the status of Kuwait's Amir or head of state by way of vague statements he was alleged to have made in his blog.

He was released following a court appearance on 28 June. His bail was set at 2,000 Kuwaiti dinars (about US$6,850).

Muhammad 'Abd al-Qader al-Jasem launched his blog, Mizan, in 2005 and has used it as a means to air his opinions and analysis of the Kuwaiti government and the ruling al-Sabah family.

He was previously the editor-in-chief of the Al-Watan Daily newspaper and later the founding editor-in-chief of the Arabic editions of the magazines Newsweek and Foreign Policy.

Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Protecting Children Being Forced To Beg

Human Rights

In response to a Human Rights Watch investigation, Senegalese authorities have begun enforcing a law prohibiting anyone from forcing a child to beg. Since we released our report on widespread abuses taking place at Quranic boys’ schools, ten teachers who forced children to beg have been convicted.  
In late 2009 Human Rights Watch researchers documented the system of exploitation in which boys who attend Quranic schools are forced to beg all day, seven days a week on Senegal’s streets to meet quotas for food and money set by their teachers. The teachers, known as marabouts, often live in relative affluence because they keep everything the boys receive from begging. Should the boys fail to meet the quotas, they may be severely beaten by the marabouts. 
Malick L., a 13-year-old boy, showed Human Rights Watch the scars from the beatings he had suffered at the hand of his marabout more than a year before. He recounted his experience, which was typical of many other boys we interviewed.  
“When I could not bring the quota, the marabout beat me,” Malick told us. “Even if I lacked 5 CFA ($0.01), he beat me… he hit me over and over, generally on the back but at times he missed and hit my head.” 
Human Rights Watch conducted almost 300 interviews with current and former Quranic school boys, families who sent their children to Quranic schools, marabouts, Islamic scholars and government and humanitarian officials. We released our findings in April at a press conference in Dakar with an Islamic scholar and a local Senegalese NGO. We used the publicity generated by the press conference to reach out to donor governments and urge them to push the Senegalese government to prosecute abusive marabouts and to set and enforce standards for these schools. 
The next day, during a press conference with Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, then Canadian Governor General Michaëlle Jean echoed our findings, declaring that these abuses amount to a form of “modern slavery.” Her comments ran in major media outlets including the BBC, CBC, and the Guardian, among others.  
The US government quickly took interest in the issue recognizing the abuses we documented as one of the worst forms of child labor. The US government was also interested in the fact that many Quranic school boys are trafficked from Guinea-Bissau, another country highlighted in our report. Having criticized Senegal’s policies on human trafficking for years, the United States was a key ally in our efforts to influence the Senegalese government to protect these boys. Armed with our report, US officials cautioned that the United States would cut off all bilateral aid if the Senegalese government did not enforce its own laws against forced begging and take steps to end the trafficking of the boys. 
Because marabouts hold immense social and political sway in their local communities, the Senegalese government had turned a blind eye to the plight of an estimated 50,000 Quranic school boys, the vast majority of whom are under age 12 and many are as young as four. But now, as a result of the media attention and pressure from the US government that we helped to generate, Senegalese authorities have begun to enforce a law prohibiting anyone from forcing a child to beg. The law has been on the books since 2005 but was never enforced.  
Now, with the newly stringent enforcement of the law, Malick L. and others like him may no longer be forced to beg. As we maintain pressure on the Senegalese government to continue to bring abusive marabouts to justice, we are also pushing it to publish standards on who can open and run Quranic schools, which are currently completely unregulated. We are leading a coalition of Senegalese and international NGOs going forward to ensure that students will no longer be exploited by abusive teachers.

Jumaat, 26 November 2010

Bendung Emosi Ketika Berdebat


Kita pastinya pernah menghadapi situasi bertikam lidah bersama pasangan atau rakan sekerja. Berdebat atau berbincang mengenai sesuatu perkara memang amat disarankan tetapi tidak semua orang dapat melakukan perdebatan dalam suasana tenang dan santai. Jika tidak dibendung, ia boleh mendatangkan rasa tidak puas hati antara kedua-dua pihak.
Ikuti tips ini untuk mengelakkan perkara ketidakpuashatian berlaku:

1.    Beri kesempatan kepada pihak satu lagi untuk berbicara atau menyampaikan alasannya
       mengapa dia berpendapat sedemikian rupa.

2.   Hindari sikap 'defensif'. Pastikan kita tidak terlalu menekan dan kemukakan bukti yang
      mengukuhkan pandangan kita.

3.   Pastikan perdebatan mempunyai komunikasi dua hala agar ia menjadi efektif.

4.   Terima pandangan dan pendapat sekiranya kita tidak mempunyai alasan yang kukuh.

Dua Jahanam

Wadah Pajak Song(Cikgu Rasul)

Akhbar Harian Metro yang diterbitkan pada hari ini, 26 November 2010 memaparkan kebinatangan dua jahanam yang sanggup memperkosa seorang ibu muda di Kampung Melayu Subang, Selangor. Demi menyelamatkan anak perempuannya, ibu muda ini terpaksa merelakan dirinya diperkosa oleh penjenayah yang menceroboh rumahnya, pagi kelmarin. Lebih menjijikkan, tragedi hitam itu dilakukan di depan anaknya dan dirakam oleh rakan jahanam itu menggunakan telefon bimbit.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 4.30 pagi kelmarin, ibu muda berusia 34 tahun yang diikat tangannya diberi opsyen oleh penjahanam itu untuk menentukan siapa yang akan dirogol sama ada dia atau anak gadisnya.Dalam keadaan terdesak, ibu muda itu tidak ada pilihan melainkan membiarkan dirinya dirogol oleh salah seorang daripada dua jahanam yang berusia 20-an. Seorang lagi bertindak menjadi perakam aksi merogol rakan seprofesyennya.
Kemudian mengebas pula barang kemas dan wang tunai yang nilai keseluruhan dianggarkan RM 2000. Tertanya kita, dua jahanam itu lahir daripada mana? Apakah tidak ada nilai manusia langsung dalam hati kecil mereka? Tidak terfikirkah oleh dua jahanam itu, mereka lahir daripada seorang ibu. Tidak teringatkah mereka bahawa mungkin dua jahanam itu punyai kakak. Mungkin miliki adik perempuan. Kehidupan mereka turut dikelilingi oleh kaum wanita yang mempunyai ikatan darah dengan mereka. Kenapa sanggup melakukan perbuatan yang tidak dapat diterima oleh semua pihak? Kalau lapar duit, ambil sahaja. Adakah RM 2000 cukup untuk membahagiakan anda wahai dua jahanam? Tidak rasa berdosakah memperkosa seorang ibu muda yang memepertahankan anak gadisnya?  Itulah sebab guru-guru dan ibu bapa selalu menasihatkan anak-anak untuk berperibadi mulia. Dahulu dua jahanam tidak mahu ke sekolah, apabila melihat kawan-kawan lain beroleh kejayaan dan mempunyai pendapatan lumayan, dua jahanam pun teringin untuk menikmatinya. Apa lagi rompaklah hasil usaha orang lain. Rakam pula aksi memperkosa ibu muda yang juga merupakan hamba Allah. Dua jahanam juga adalah hamba Allah. Kenapa sanggup menzalimi sesama manusia. Carilah kerja halal. Gunakan semangat berani itu dengan mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai.
Kasihanilah wanita. Menurut statistik Polis Diraja Malaysia(PDRM), setiap hari dianggarkan 10 wanita di negara ini menjadi mangsa pelbagai bentuk keganasan sama ada dari segi fizikal, seksual mahupun mental. Di seluruh dunia pula, dianggarkan seorang daripada setiap tiga wanita pernah mengalami atau berhadapan dengan apa-apa bentuk keganasan seumur hidupnya.
Sempena Hari Antarabangsa bagi Menangani Keganasan terhadap Wanita 2010, Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat melancarkan kempen 'Say NO-UNite to End Violence Against Women' dalam usaha membanteras masalah itu. Dua jahanam dijemput menyertai kempen tersebut. Marilah kita bersatu padu menghapuskan keganasan terhadap wanita.

Khamis, 25 November 2010

Berikan Suara


Perkara 19 Perisytiharan Hak Asasi
Manusia Sejagat

Secara tradisinya, kita menghormati orang yang lebih tua dan mereka yang mempunyai kedudukan yang lebih tinggi dalam masyarakat. Kita belajar untuk mematuhi mereka sentiasa. Kita juga diberitahu bahawa kita tidak boleh menyatakan sebarang pendapat atau idea yang bertentangan dengan pendapat atau idea mereka.
Perkara ini menyebabkan idea dan pendapat orang yang lebih muda tidak dihargai dan dihormati. Hal ini juga berlaku dalam kalangan ibu bapa dan guru-guru atau dalam perhubungan antara orang dewasa dengan kanak-kanak. Orang dewasa hendaklah menghormati kanak-kanak dengan memberi peluang kepada mereka menyatakan pendapat atau idea terutama yang berkaitan dengan kesejahteraan kanak-kanak sendiri.

Motosikal vs Kereta


Setiap kali apabila kita memandu atau menunggang motosikal di jalan raya, pasti jiwa kita pernah tersentak dengan deruman enjin kenderaan yang cc nya kecil tetapi memiliki pesona ekzos sebesar tiang telefon awam. Kebanggaan dapat dilihat pada raut wajah pemandunya apabila ekzosnya menghasilkan bunyian yang mampu mengalahkan deruman kenderaan yang bernilai ratusan ribu ringgit. Seperti anjing menyalak bukit, makin kuat menyalak, bukit tetap kukuh. 
Kenapa kita sebagai pengguna jalan raya hanya mewujudkan stigma negatif terhadap pengguna motosikal. Bukan semua penunggang motosikal bertindak melanggar undang-undang lalu lintas. Kenapa media arus perdana hanya menonjolkan keburukan yang dilakukan oleh penunggang motosikal. Sedangkan golongan ini lah menyurai masalah kesesakan trafik di bandaraya. Mereka punyai kereta dan ada yang memiliki kereta yang lebih hebat daripada kereta berekzos besar. Golongan ini begitu praktikal. Mereka tidak perlu menghambakan diri dalam kesesakan. Mereka punyai kerendahan hati yang sukar difahami.
Cuba kita perhatikan kereta yang mempunyai ekzos besar ini. Berapa harga kereta itu di kedai-kedai kereta terpakai? Golongan ini mendesup di lorong tiga lebuh raya. Penuh dengan penumpang. Tangan kanan di hulur keluar sambil tangan kiri memegang stereng. Hawa dingin tidak berfungsi. Menderum enjin yang berusia. Memasang aksesori melampau. Lampu penuh stylo. Stereng sebesar piring kuih. Minyak tidak pernah melebihi paras tengah. Terfikir oleh kita, siapakah mereka ini? Tahap pendidikan? Pekerjaannya dan wang sakunya?
Mampukah mereka ini melunaskan tuntutan saman kerana memandu laju melebihi had laju yang ditetapkan? Adakah berbaloi membayar RM 300 dengan kenderaan yang boleh dihapus kira? Kita sepatutnya mengukur baju ikut potongan badan kita sendiri. Bersyukur dengan apa yang kita ada. Pendidikan anak-anak keutamaan.  Kalau lambang kereta Viva janganlah kita tampal pula dengan lambang Camry. Kereta adalah keperluan. Bukan kemahuan. Fungsi asas kita memerlukan kereta ialah untuk bergerak dari point A ke point B. Semua ini adalah hak peribadi masing-masing. Cuma jangan memandang rendah kepada penunggang motosikal. Merangkumkan mereka sebagai Mat Rempit adalah tidak wajar sama sekali sedangkan sebahagian besar daripada golongan ini adalah orang penting dalam sesuatu organisasi atau agensi.

Panas Baran


Sepatutnya ibu bapa menasihatkan dan memerhatikan
anak-anak sejak kecil.

Individu yang terlibat dengan pergaduhan kumpulan mempunyai kecenderungan lebih tinggi untuk membusungkan dada menonjolkan diri. Mereka juga dipengaruhi antara satu sama lain selain mempertahankan ego. Mereka diserang ketakutan dan malu untuk menarik diri walaupun niatnya bukan untuk menamatkan nyawa orang lain tetapi hanya untuk mencederakan. Akibat masing-masing mahu menjadi hero seperti aksi hero di dalam filem, kesan pergaduhan berkumpulan akan menjadi lebih besar.
Mereka yang berdarah panas ini selalunya memiliki personaliti antisosial atau psikopatik yang benci dengan peraturan sosial, tidak suka disiplin dan tidak gentar dan sering kelihatan cool.
Golongan ini tidak suka mengakui kesalahan sendiri dan amat menyukai setiap kesalahan diletakkan kepada orang lain. Golongan ini juga selalunya tidak mengambil iktibar daripada kekhilafan yang mereka lakukan. Gejala yang dapat menyumbang kepada aksi ganas dapat dilihat sejak kecil lagi. Justeru, ia mesti dibanteras sejak awal lagi kerana apabila rebung sudah menjadi buluh, ia sudah terlewat. Ibu bapa mesti memerhatikan sikap anak-anak kemanjaan mereka bagi mengelakkan mereka menjadi manusia yang tidak berperikemanusiaan.

Rabu, 24 November 2010



Puan Norlilah bt Ismail
SMK Selayang Bharu

Hadirnya kita, biarlah bermakna, biarlah terasa.
Hadirlah ibarat si pohon Cengal.
Berdiri teguh redup
membayangi insan yang keletihan,
menaungi unggas yang menumpang bersarang.
Berdahan gagah, mengimbangi si anak kecil menghayun buaian.
Berakar tunjang mencengkam erat di bumi,
tidak mudah goyah dan tumbang dek ribut  mau pun hujan.
Cengal kau sememangnya cekal, ..tumpat dan padu.

Hadirlah kita...sehebat Cengal,
menabur jasa menongkat tiang mengelak runtuh dan roboh!!
Hadirlah kita...membawa makna
yang berat kita ringankan
yang sukar kita mudahkan
yang kabur kita jelaskan
yang panas kita sejukkan
yang rimas kita selesakan
yang jauh kita dekatkan
yang serabut kita leraikan
Hadirlah kita....biar terasa
bila bertutur...ada faktor
bila memandang. ..ada pertimbangan
bila bersuara ....dalam bermakna
bila memutus...hasilnya bagus

Norlilah Ismail

Kanak-Kanak Jalanan

Kanak-kanak jalanan telah menjadi pemandangan biasa di bandar-bandar raya. Mereka merayau-rayau di jalan untuk menyara hidup dengan menggilap kasut, menjual rokok dan manisan, menyelongkar tempat sampah sarap dan meminta sedekah.
Sesetengahnya menjadi mangsa pengedar dadah atau mengamalkan tabiat menghidu gam atau telah beralih kepada melakukan jenayah kecil-kecilan. Kanak-kanak jalanan mengimpikan menjalani kehidupan sempurna yang dapat memenuhi kehendak mereka. Malangnya, tidak banyak peluang bagi mereka untuk keluar daripada situasi mereka. Mereka mempunyai hak yang sama dengan kanak-kanak yang tidak hidup dalam keadaan sukar. Mereka berhak mendapat perlindungan dan juga kemudahan yang membolehkan mereka menjalani kehidupan berperikemanusiaan dan memuaskan hati mereka.

Isnin, 22 November 2010

Apakah Hak Asasi Manusia?


Wadah Pajak Song(Cikgu Rasul)

Hak asasi manusia biasanya difahami sebagai hak yang dipunyai manusia secara sedia ada atau semula jadi. Konsep hak asasi manusia menerima realiti bahawa setiap insan berhak untuk menikmati hak asasinya tanpa membezakan bangsa, warna kulit, jantina, bahasa, agama, pandangan politik atau pandangan lain, asal-usul bangsa atau sosial, harta-benda, status kelahiran atau status lain.
Hak asasi manusia dijamin dari segi undang-undang oleh UNDANG-UNDANG HAK ASASI MANUSIA, yang melindungi individu dan kumpulan daripada sebarang tindakan yang mengganggu gugat kebebasan dasar dan maruah manusia. Hak-hak ini dinyatakan dalam triti, undang-undang antarabangsa adat, kumpulan prinsip dan sumber lain undang-undang. Undang-undang hak asasi manusia meletakkan kewajipan kepada negara pihak untuk bertindak dengan cara khusus dan melarang negara tersebut daripada terlibat dengan aktiviti-aktiviti tertentu. Walau bagaimanapun undang-undang tidak menetapkan hak asasi manusia. Hak asasi manusia merupakan hak sedia ada yang diperoleh setiap insan yang lahir sebagai manusia. Triti dan sumber lain undang-undang berperanan untuk melindungi secara formal individu dan kumpulan terhadap sebarang tindakan atau pengabaian tindakan oleh kerajaan yang mengganggu hak asasi yang dinikmati oleh mereka.

Hak Kepada Pendidikan


Institut Pendidikan Guru
Kampus Teknik
Bandar Tun Razak, Cheras
Kuala Lumpur

Pendidikan adalah penting dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seseorang individu. Pendidikan juga telah diiktiraf sebagai hak asasi kepada semua. Semua negara yang telah menandatangani dan meratifikasikan Konvensyen mengenai Hak Kanak-Kanak bertanggungjawab untuk menyediakan pendidikan rendah secara percuma dan wajib kepada setiap kanak-kanak. Pendidikan hendaklah tertumpu kepada perkembangan personaliti, kemahiran, keupayaan mental dan fizikal kanak-kanak sepenuhnya.
Sistem persekolahan hendaklah mengambil langkah-langkah yang sewajarnya bagi menggalakkan kehadiran secara tetap di sekolah dan mengurangkan kadar keciciran. Langkah yang diambil oleh pihak sekolah untuk memastikan disiplin pelajar dipatuhi hendaklah selaras dengan maruah kanak-kanak sebagai seorang manusia.

Ahad, 21 November 2010

Majlis Perkahwinan Tn.Hj.Abdul Aziz bin Haji Abu dan Puan Arfah bt Abd.Rahman


Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz bin Haji Abu dan
Puan Arfah bt Abd Rahman

Para tetamu sedang menikmati jamuan
di Ideal Convention Centre

Para petugas majlis perkahwinan
yang diketuai oleh Pn.Norlilah bt Ismail

Assalammualaikum Warah Matullahi Wabarakatuh, Salam Sejahtera dan selamat datang ke majlis perkahwinan Tuan Haji Abdul Aziz bin Haji Abu dan Puan Arfah bt Abd Rahman.

Yang jauh diundang dengan surat
Yang dekat diundang dengan tepak
Kini yang diundang sudah tiba
Yang dipesan sudah datang
Yang dipanggil sudah disahut
Yang duduk sudah bertemu lutut
Yang berdiri sudah bertemu bahu

Bersyukur kita ke hadrat Allah S.W.T kerana dengan izin dan limpah kurniaNya, dapat kita berkumpul pada 20 November 2010 di Ideal Convention Centre, Selayang  untuk meraikan majlis menyambut kedua-dua mempelai.

Atas nama yang empunya majlis
Atas nama yang empunya hajat
Atas nama kaum kerabat
Ketibaan jemputan yang mulia
Kami sambut dengan adat

Majlis ingin berterima kasih kepada para tetamu yang hadir pada majlis yang berbahagia ini.

Bunga disanggul seri wajahnya
Wajah pula umpama ratu
Penuh adab kami terima
Dua jiwa dapat bersatu

Tanam serai berumpun-rumpun
Disiram air setiap hari
Lamah gemalai hayun tersusun
Maklumlah kan dipanggil raja sehari

Buah pauh si bunga rampai
Kilauan bintang sungguh mengasyikkan
Orang jauh sudahlah sampai
Selamat datang kami ucapkan

Buah rambai tumbuh dihutan
Dihujung ranting buahnya lebat
Mari beramai kita doakan
Semoga majlis mendapat berkat

Mawar merah harum mewangi
Jambangan digubah berseri-seri
Doa restu kami iringi
Baik berpakat suami isteri

Dalam mencanai sibesi waja
Dibanding segala malah dijaga
Malam berinai adat sahaja
Bersanding pula samalah juga

Rendang kambing memanglah sedap
Ketupat palas jual di pekan
Duduk pengantin makan beradab
Suap berbalas makan sepinggan

Selasa, 16 November 2010

Cikgu...Lurus atau Mengelat


Saya berani jamin, apabila semua guru di Malaysia ini dikumpulkan, lalu dihitung berapa banyak yang bertindak mengelat daripada tugasan, hasilnya akan lebih banyak guru yang ”lurus” daripada yang ”mengelat”. Bahkan menurut pengalaman saya sendiri, murid-murid zaman sekarang sudah mendapat perlindungan peraturan yang ”lebih kuat” dibandingkan beberapa puluh tahun yang lalu. Dahulu, murid hanya berdiam diri apabila dihukum untuk berdiri dengan satu kaki di depan kelas, dipukul tangannya dengan rotan, bahkan dijemur di padang sekolah. Tetapi sekarang ini, hukuman-hukuman yang bersifat fizik tersebut sangat tidak dibolehkan. Malah guru- guru yang bertindak sedemikian rupa akan dilaporkan kerana sudah ”mendera” anak didiknya.
Saya menulis ini bukan karena ingin membela profesyen saya. Saya juga baru 17 tahun ini secara rasmi menjadi guru. Saya hanya ingin berkongsi, bahawa sebelum seorang guru mendapat kebenaran untuk mengajar, guru-guru sudah dibekalkan persiapan-persiapan tentang cara mengajar, persiapan cara menghadapi keperibadian anak didik yang beraneka ragam, juga pengetahuan tentang kod etika guru yang harus dipatuhi. Dan apabila ada sebilangan kecil guru yang melakukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran, seharusnya tidak digeneralisasikan sebagai ”guru masa kini”. Seperti yang sudah saya sebutkan, justeru guru masa kini yang sangat mudah terancam dengan undang-undang apabila guru-guru melakukan pelanggaran ataupun tindakan kekerasan terhadap muridnya.
Sewaktu saya masih menjalani latihan pendidikan keguruan di maktab perguruan dan universiti, banyak sekali ”peraturan” yang saya pelajari tentang hubungan guru dan murid. Apa saja yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan guru terhadap muridnya, semua sudah diajarkan dari A sampai Z.
Sungguh menyedihkan apabila profesyen guru ini dipandang sebelah mata hanya kerana artikel yang tidak didasari fakta yang ada. Ternyata memang manusia lebih suka mengetahui keburukan orang lain daripada kebaikan orang tersebut. Kalau saya lihat berita-berita di media cetak dan elektronik tentang guru, lebih banyak berita tentang penyelewengan yang dilakukan oleh guru dibandingkan berita tentang pengabdian guru. Sayangnya, pembaca dan komentar tidak semuanya cukup kritis terhadap berita-berita yang disampaikan tersebut. Tidak semuanya berupaya bersikap bijak menanggapi pemberitaan.
Guru hanya tayang muka? Melakukan kekerasan? Berbuat onak? Berinteraksi tanpa batasan status dengan  murid? Ya, itu memang ada. Tetapi tolong dijawab juga. Dimana? Berapa banyak? Berapa perarus daripada jumlah keseluruhan guru yang ada? Dan apakah sudah cukup  untuk menyamaratakan guru masa kini.
Saya bersyukur, mempunyai banyak rakan guru yang menjadikan profesyen guru sebagai jalan hidup, bukan sekadar mata pencarian. Dan mudah-mudahan banyak orang yang mahu membuka matanya dan melihat pengorbanan guru-guru di Malaysia.

Improve Education Quality



"Are secondary schools making students ready for college?" Why do you think educators criticize findings regarding "secondary schools making students ready for college?" I think the operative word here is "making." Children know that when they're made to do something, there's no value in wanting it for its own purpose. Parents may use threats and intimidation to make their children do something, but teachers are given no such option.

Teachers inspire and excite students to learn by showing them the wonderful ways to becoming self-educated. We show students how to share in an exciting world of scientific inquiry and a free exchange of ideas where teachers lead their classes on topics they are personally passionate about. Teachers lead by example as well-respected valued members of a society that is capable of creative solutions during difficult economic times. In an environment like this, students see the value of college and the degree that will allow them to become part of that respected and valued community. Exciting secondary school educations result in students who are prepared for college and prepared to share and lead in this ever-changing world.

Unfortunately, many Malaysia Public Schools students are not prepared for college or the world beyond because they only know how to take tests. Very few students have been inspired to be self-educated. There is little to be inspired about. Favoured classes like art, music and creative writing are non-existent or limited to the one required class for graduation.

Ahad, 14 November 2010


Tips, during and after exams

Faridah Mohamad Saad
Institut Pendidikan Guru
Kampus Teknik
Bandar Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur
Planning, Preparation and a Positive attitude. Develop a positive attitude towards exams. Anxiety is just a part of the game; do not allow it control you. Face the exams with confidence. Look at exams as a means developed to help you reach your goal. It is a means to an end, not an end in itself. Do not compare your examination results to your self worth they are two different things. Have faith in yourself and maintain the "I CAN DO IT" attitude.
The year before
• Avoid cramming. Your revision should be completed well before your exams. Concentrate on the important topics, diagrams and formulae.
• Make revision a part of your strategy for success
• Go through the summary and notes you have made while revising
• Make a list of topics you have covered, arrange it in order of priority & follow this in order in your revision too.
• Writing an answer is the best way to revise. Write out likely questions and answer them
• Practice Mathematics one hour every day to overcome the fear and anxiety.
• Set up a study schedule so you can review everything well before the exams. Plan it so that everything can be covered in the time available.
• Practice old question papers. These give you a clear clue as to what examiners generally look for.
• Memorize essential facts and formulas.
• Make up questions that you think could be on the exam day and try to answer them.
• Avoid looking for reasons not to do work
Tip: When you are well prepared you experience less stress
Mock Examinations
The mock examinations allow you to discover:-
• Your weakness in a subject
• How effective your study skills are.
• What are your strengths and weakness when working under pressure?
Day before the Examinations
• Get a goodnight's rest before the exam. Be sure to wear comfortable clothing.
• Find out what kind of exam you are getting ready for (e.g. essay type or objective) and exactly what material will be on the test.
• Organize everything you need.
• Prepare yourself mentally by briefly reviewing the main points in your notes.
On the day of the examination
1. Begin the exam day with a good breakfast.
2. Ensure that you have completed the final revisions
3. Have a few notes to revise from.
4.Get the materials organized.
5.Make sure that you eat sensibly and drink plenty of water.
6.If tense – practice deep breathing
7.Engage in positive self-talk
During the Examination
1. Do not start writing as soon as you get the test
2.Organize the time in the examination, so you do not run out of time before completing the paper.
3.If you panic–Put their pens down and sit back for a few minutes
4.Practice deep breathing and focus on something positive
5.Do not leave the exam hall no matter how bad the anxiety feels, it will surely subside in a short span of time.
6.Go through the questions to make sure you have all the questions sheets.
7.Read the instructions carefully.
8. Hi-light key words like discuss, compare list...
9. Quickly estimate how much time you have to answer the questions
10.Answer easier question first to boost your confidence.
11.Read questions several times to be sure you understand exactly what is being asked.
12.Never rush through questions in a panic. Be calm and pace yourself.
13.Try to leave sometime before the test to review and correct errors.
14.If you run out of time on a certain question, leave some room to it later.
15.Sometimes the test gives away some of the answers.
16.Guess at answers only if there is no penalty for guessing.
17.Be on a look out for words that may provide a clue to the correct answer. Words like "seldom, generally, and tend to" often make a statement true: words like always never, and only are likely to make it false.
18.Before looking at the possible answers to a multiple-choice question, try to form the answer in your mind. Then look at the choices given.
19.Do not change an answer that comes to the mind first unless you are absolutely sure that it is wrong.
20.As far as possible limit your answer to the prescribed number of words. However, do not try to achieve this by counting the words written. Rather, count the number of lines you have written. At the very outset, you must have an idea as to how many words you usually manage to write in one line
After the Examinations
Do not indulge in the post-mortems and comparisons with others. Review what went well in your overall approach, before and during the examination including the way you handled anxiety. Aim to improve upon that in the next examination
In a Nutshell
1. Learn from your past mistakes
2. Be committed
3. Be persistent and consistent
4. Avoid looking for reasons not to do work n Plan your time effectively
1. Remember to always encourage yourself for every effort you have made to better your grades.
2. Have faith & believe in yourself that you can achieve whatever you set your mind on.
3. Do not be discouraged by failure, immediately start working on your weak areas
4. Have a positive attitude towards your goal & be responsible for whatever you undertake
5. We become what our attitudes are. So change your attitude

Palestine: a Family's Story

By Rasul
Ramzy Baroud left Gaza when he was a young man.  He departed with mixed emotions, knowing full well he might never see his father or Gaza again.  Once he left, his activities and the nature of the Israeli control of that piece of land made those fears come true.  Since he left, he has become a chronicler of the struggle for a free Palestine and an advocate for a genuine and just solution to the ongoing conflict in his native land.
His most recent addition to the aforementioned chronicle is a beautifully wrought memoir of his family.  Titled My Father Was a Freedom Fighter, the book takes the reader into the life of a man who was driven from his birth village during the ethnic cleansing of parts of Palestine by Israeli Zionist forces  That man was Ramzy Baroud's father, Mohammed Baroud.  Along with his family and much of the rest of his village, the teenage Mohammed eventually found himself in the refugee camp called Nuseirat.  Despite several journeys out of that camp to fight and to trade, he would die there some fifty years later.  Not only would Baroud's father never see the village of his childhood--Beit Daras--again, but the fate of Palestine was more uncertain than it had been ever since the creation of Israel.
I have to be honest.  Whenever I read a description of the travails of the Palestinian people since 1947, my human emotions kick in.  Anger and sorrow are the most common.   The description can be a personal memoir or a reasonably objective piece of journalism.  It could be written by a sympathetic soul, an observer or a member of a group supporting the continued expansion of Israel.  It doesn't matter.  The decades of suffering mirrored by a similar number of years opposing Israeli occupation; the uncaring response of a world seemingly numb to the actualities of Tel Aviv's Orwellian newspeak describing the situation; and the  seeming inevitability of more death and daily suffering always results in the aforementioned emotional responses.
Ramzy Baroud's text operates on several different levels.  Of course, it is an unsparing look at the political Zionist program to carve a homeland out of Palestinian lands for likeminded Jewish people.  It is also a critical history of the relationship between the Palestinians and established Arab nations.  He recalls the brief period of secular Arab nationalism after World War Two led by Egypt's president Gamal Abdel Nasser.  While describing this bit of history, Baroud also relates the story of his father's enlistment into a unit of Nasser's army that defended Gaza.  This moment of his father's pride he describes is one that is both personal and political, like so many moments of a people struggling daily for their independence and against oppression. 
The author's ability to depict these types of moments is what makes this book such a worthwhile read.  Under Baroud's pen, history truly does become the story of a people.  Each individual whose story appears in My Father Was a Freedom Fighter embodies the story of the Palestinians.  The story stretches from the daily battle to feed one's family when there are no fields to harvest because the occupiers have destroyed those fields to meetings with leaders of the Intifada.  Ramzy Baroud tells a very personal tale in these pages underlined by an impeccably researched historical knowledge. 
In addition to depicting the relationship between Arab nations and the Palestinian movement, this text explores the nature of the Palestinian liberation movement itself.  Combining his father's political understanding and historical memory with his own knowledge, Baroud explores the reasons for the Palestine Liberation Organization's fall into seeming irrelevance in Gaza and its replacement by Hamas.  It is a story about organizing at the grassroots and corruption at the top.  It is also a story of one man's hopes in the organization he believed in being dashed.  Finally, it is also the all too familiar tale of a society striving yet failing to overcome the scourge of class, especially when those at the top are offered rewards for leaving their lesser-off brothers and sisters behind.
Perhaps the most emotionally difficult storyline that runs through Baroud's memoir is the story of his parents' love for each other.  Difficult, because it is a story like so many other love stories without hope for a happy ending.  When Ramzy's mother died of cancer at the age of 42, she was given a martyr's funeral.  This wasn't because she was a battlefield fighter or a guerrilla, but because she was a child, mother and sister of Palestine.  She died so young in part because Tel Aviv's brutal occupation refused her the treatment she needed.  Indeed, the incident that may well have exacerbated her illness was one where Israeli soldiers beat her while she pleaded with them not to break her sons' arms.  This practice was a common Israeli Defense Force tactic during the First Intifada.
My Father Was a Freedom Fighter is a perfectly nuanced combination of memoir and history.  Once again, Baroud has put the nature of the Israeli occupation of Palestine in human terms that describe not only the humiliation of the Palestinians as individuals and as a people, but also the struggle against that humiliation and the often brutal repression that accompanies it.

Sabtu, 13 November 2010



Faridah Mohamad Saad
Institut Pendidikan Guru
Kampus Teknik
Bandar Tun Razak Cheras, Kuala Lumpur

None of us is a stranger to anger. And while we may regret our anger at times, it can certainly be a warning that something is not right with our world. It can also be a useful power to right those wrongs if properly directed and controlled. Used appropriately and then dismissed, anger is healthy. But if allowed to control us and have its way, it can also damage us and those around us.
Throughout history anger and angry people have caused so much pain that today many believe that all anger is a mental defect to be rejected and avoided. Simply saying to someone, “You're angry!” is often used as a trump to end the discussion and win the argument—as if being angry is the ultimate evil in and of itself, and therefore overrides any subject being discussed.
And yet anger at genuine wrongs has led to much change for good. Repressions have been overturned as the result of “righteous anger.” Peoples have been freed, illegitimate regimes overthrown, women and children protected, and the situations of countless members of the human race improved.
But as we know, much of the world's misery can be traced to the unjust and unhealthy anger of individuals or groups—despots, megalomaniacs, politicians, false messiahs, competing religions and warring peoples on the macro scale; and the power-hungry, the dissatisfied, the controlling, the offended, the slighted and the ignored on the micro level.
We get the English word "berserk" from Norse raiders who were called berserkers in the Old Norse tongue, after their habit of losing their minds to murderous anger and blood lust.
Even in modern, and supposedly enlightened, times we have and do see horrific examples of leaders, peoples, cultures and religions promulgating unbridled anger to sacrifice hundreds of millions of individuals to their lusts for power: a force wielded against anyone who would stand in their way.
But, you and I don't have any such power or inclination. So why talk about something that doesn't affect us?
Since uncontrolled and unhealthy anger does cause terrible grief, it is important to understand how to express it properly and to take charge of our own anger so that we can use it as a catalyst for positive change.
It is easy to recognize extreme blood-in-the-eye rage when it shows itself in others, and perhaps we've even seen it in ourselves. But psychotherapists Ronald T. and Patricia S. Potter-Efron in Letting go of Anger (2006) list 11 common anger styles—some of them masked, some explosive, and some chronic. Some styles of anger are able to hide, even from the person exhibiting them. Some people claim that they never get angry, and indeed try not to do so. Others hide a sneaky, passive-aggressive anger by procrastination, forgetting or playing dumb or helpless. Some turn their anger inward and follow patterns that the Potter-Efrons describe as: self-neglect, self-sabotage, self-blame, self-attack, or self-destruction.
Men and women may express anger differently. In Western society women have been stereotyped historically as the nurturing sex and may therefore be discouraged from showing their anger, but both sexes have issues with this emotion. Although most books on anger management are written to men, Laura Petracek writes to women and says, “Most women in our society are either not in touch with their anger or feel their anger but don't know how to express it.” Petracek describes two styles of anger she sees in women: Anger In, in which “women direct their anger at themselves by overeating, becoming depressed, and hurting themselves;” and Anger Out, “venting your rage at another person, or attacking or blaming another person, possibly to the point of pushing, shoving, or kicking that person.” 
All of us have the potential for anger as part of our humanity. Ignoring or denying anger prevents us from using it appropriately and allows it to cause us hurt.

Like Father, Like...Daughter?

Baseball hard-hitter Harmon Killebrew tells a story that hints at the importance of fathers to boys: “My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard,” he says on his Web site. “Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass.’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.’”
Obviously, Killebrew’s father was tuned in to the needs of his sons, an admirable quality that seems only natural in a man. We accept that every boy needs a father as easily as we accept the notion that he needs a dog. But while society is beginning to acknowledge that a father is more crucial than a dog to a boy’s well-being, the question of how important fathers are to the well-being of their daughters has all but been ignored.
A search through online journals on family studies using the terms “fathers” and “daughters” does not prove entirely fruitless, of course. An abundance of material is available, nearly all of it exploring the psychological effects of incest and other dysfunctions. Unfortunately, however, there is very little that would lead anyone to believe that more positive relationships even exist between fathers and daughters, much less that such relationships may also have a profound and vital effect on a woman’s mental health.
This gap has been addressed by only a few researchers, one of whom is Linda Nielsen, professor of adolescent psychology and women’s studies at Wake Forest University in North Carolina. Nielsen has been teaching a “Fathers and Daughters” course there since 1991 and authored its current textbook, Embracing Your Father: How to Create the Relationship You Always Wanted With Your Dad (McGraw Hill, 2004).
“Do you realize how rare incest is between a biological father and daughter?” she asked rhetorically in a recent interview with Vision. “It is extremely rare. When we talk about girls who are victims of incest, that term, to psychologists and sociologists, covers being sexually abused by cousins, uncles, stepfathers, stepbrothers, brothers, half-brothers, men who live with your mother who are not related—that all goes into the category of incest victims. But when you look into the percentage of girls who were sexually abused by their biological fathers, it is very small. What this tells me, just as it told you—is that researchers have the wrong focus when it comes to studying father-daughter relationships.”
This wrong focus may contribute to the misconception that daughters don’t need their fathers after a certain age. “My students tell me that their fathers stopped doing things with them when they became teenagers—like going camping with them alone on the weekends—because it would look weird,” says Nielsen. “Once puberty hits, you aren’t supposed to spend as much time with your daughter. Once she’s a teenager, you’re supposed to back off and let Mom have the main relationship. If that’s the message you’re sent and you’re told that’s what a ‘good father’ does, then that’s what you’re going to do.”
This goes hand-in-hand with another stereotype that harms father-daughter relationships. We portray fathers more negatively than we portray mothers in media,” says Nielsen. “Dad’s a blockhead when it comes to child raising—especially with his daughter. Mom is considered the expert. These messages discourage fathers from being actively involved.”
According to Nielsen, most men would like to be involved, and she adds, “Fathers do spend more time with their kids than in the past.” But she says some changes still need to occur. Although company work-life balance programs for men and women are becoming increasingly popular in Western nations, “men still spend an average of 15 more hours a week at work and commuting than their employed wives do, and American fathers spend about 70 more hours each year at work than do men in other industrialized countries. Dads still don’t have as much time as moms to be with kids.”
Clearly, as a society we remain unconvinced of how crucial fathers are to their children—particularly to their daughters. But would we be convinced if we read the research?
Vanderbilt University researchers have long known that girls who have supportive, involved fathers enter puberty later than girls whose fathers are distant or absent, and this is not as insignificant to a woman’s quality of life as it may seem. In 2003 researchers at the Cincinnati, Ohio, Children’s Hospital noted a link between early onset of menstruation and adult obesity. But there’s more. When early onset of menstruation was marked by early breast development, there was an associated rise in the risk for breast cancer. The accompanying factors may be complex, but there is certainly more to be explored in the association between good father-daughter relationships and a healthy future for adult females.
Beyond physical health, of course, the right attention from fathers can confer other benefits, as studies continue to demonstrate.
One such study was conducted in the United States and New Zealand in 2003, by Bruce J. Ellis, professor of family studies and human development at the University of Arizona, and several of his colleagues. The researchers listed a variety of the negative outcomes adolescent girls set themselves up for when they have early sexual experiences. “Specifically,” they note, “adolescent childbearing is associated with lower educational and occupational attainment, more mental and physical health problems, inadequate social support networks for parenting, and increased risk of abuse and neglect for children born to teen mothers. Despite these consequences, the United States and New Zealand have the first and second highest rates of teenage pregnancy among Western industrialized countries. . . . Given these costs to adolescents and their children, it is critical to identify life experiences and pathways that place girls at increased risk for early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy.”
After following a combined total of approximately 900 subjects from preschool to late adolescence, the researchers concluded that “father absence was an overriding risk factor for early sexual activity and adolescent pregnancy. Conversely, father presence was a major protective factor against early sexual outcomes, even if other factors were present” (emphasis added).
Ellis and his colleagues were not the first to make the association between strong father-daughter relationships and healthy sexual outcomes, of course, nor were they the most recent.
Mark Regnerus, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin, reported similar findings in February 2006. In a study involving 10,000 students between 7th and 12th grade, Regnerus reiterated that girls who had positive relationships with involved fathers waited longer to have their first sexual experience. He added, “Girls who have poor relationships with their dads tend to seek attention from other males at earlier ages and often this will involve a sexual relationship.” This surprising characteristic of strong father-daughter relationships was not duplicated between mothers and daughters.
Nielsen’s own research has been conducted among her college students over a span of more than 15 years, and like other researchers before her, she acknowledges that positive fathering produces well-adjusted, confident and successful daughters who relate well to other men in their lives. Unfortunately, she says, fathers tend to spend less time with their daughters than with their sons, and many do not see anything negative about this. Nielsen also points out that “most of these fathers and daughters do not communicate, share personal things, or get to know one another as well as mothers and daughters.”
One might wonder how she hopes her course for young college women will change this. Shouldn’t she be talking to their dads? What can a young woman do to close the distance if her childhood is behind her, and with it, seemingly, any chance of a good relationship with her father? According to Nielsen, plenty! Unfortunately, many women are held back by the belief that their father should make the first move, or that patterns of communication in their relationship are so entrenched that they cannot be changed. Or perhaps they’ve tried some of the strategies before, without result. Nevertheless, Nielsen assures her students, the strategies she outlines in her class and its textbook will bring about changes. Indeed, the greatest changes may occur in the daughters themselves.
“Let’s say that your pessimistic assumptions turn out to be right,” she offers in her textbook. “No matter how many of my suggestions you try . . . your relationship with your father doesn’t get any better. Yes, you’ll be disappointed, frustrated, and sad—and maybe angry. But these are the same feelings you had before you started. So you really haven’t lost anything. And I seriously doubt that you’re going to regret having tried. Every daughter I know who has reached out and tried again, regardless of the outcome, feels better about herself. It’s as if she has lifted a weight off her shoulders. Like these daughters, you can give yourself the gift of pride and respect that comes from being active instead of passive, from acting like an adult instead of a child.”
Acting like an adult, in Nielsen’s view, includes understanding that daughters may also have contributed to the stereotypes that keep their fathers distant. Daughters may keep things from their fathers under the assumption that their fathers would respond more critically than their mothers. Daughters may assume fathers aren’t as nurturing or intuitive as mothers are, and may avoid going to them for personal advice and comfort.
Mothers may also contribute to the problem through what some researchers call “gatekeeping” behaviors. A 2005 study by the National Council on Family Relations explains that maternal gatekeeping may take a number of forms, any one of which "either encourages or discourages fathers from acting on their paternal identity. . . . One path to changing fathers’ behavior may involve changing the way that mothers look at them. If mothers believe that fathers can and should be capable parents, they are more likely to allow fathers into the lives of their children.”
Nielsen agrees this can be a factor. Her recommendation to her students is “Don’t build a road to Dad through Mom.” Unfortunately, Nielsen’s study of the data collected from her students between 1990 and 2004 revealed that most daughters do go through their mother to reach their father, which has the effect of pushing him away and diminishing their odds of improving their relationship.
So then, does all of the responsibility for good father-daughter relationships fall on daughters? Of course not. Especially while they have young children, fathers carry the bulk of the responsibility for spending as much quality time as realistically possible with their children, whether girls or boys. But as they mature, sons and daughters can contribute to the effort too. Eventually there comes a time when the best way to turn the heart of a father to his daughter is for his daughter to turn her heart to her father.

Awalan meN-

Munsyi Md Rasul bin Haron@Amatara Bahagian Matrikulasi 30 Jun 2022 Panduan Bahasa PROSES PENGIMBUHAN 2) Awalan meN- fungsi pengg...