Rabu, 1 Disember 2010

Reading Comprehension Strategies That Work: Anchoring Visualizations


Some kids have trouble with reading comprehension.  There can be many reasons they have difficulty, but one of the main causes of reading comprehension problems is that students do not create vivid images as they read.
I often listen to students read.  Some students have difficulty with word recognition, but many do not.  When your child has little or no difficulty sounding out the words in the passage, but still has comprehension difficulty, the problem may be that he or she is not skillful with visual imagery.  And even if your child does have trouble sounding out words, he may still have difficulty with comprehension as well.
Researchers have noticed that students are not as adept at making pictures in their minds of the material they hear or read as they were years ago.  Perhaps the explosion of visual images all around us has a lot to do with that.  Kids are “fed” visual images from television, movies, magazines, and billboards.  They may not be getting as much practice in generating their own images.
Visualization is used by top athletes and performers as an effective tool for positive outcomes.  Research has shown that athletes who practice their sport only “on the field” do not reach the same levels of success as those who, in addition to practicing “on the field” also practice their sport “in their mind.”
The brain is highly adept at using visual information.  In fact, more brain area is devoted to vision than to any other sense.  The brain is also very good at using spatial information.  These abilities have come down to us through the millennia as a survival mechanism.  We are highly adept visual and spatial thinkers.
The “anchoring visualizations” strategy teaches students to create visual images, and then to “anchor” them to a particular spot in the room.  What’s so amazing about this technique is that students are using two innate abilities, vision and spatial understanding, and the strategy can be used when students are involved in class discussions, lectures, or independent reading to significantly increase students’ visualization ability and reading comprehension. 
Here’s how the “anchoring visualizations” technique works:
As students listen or read, they use their visualization ability to create “pictures” (I call them “mind movies”) of the information.  These images should include rich detail because more vivid images will be remembered better.
The student directs his or her attention to a particular spot in the room, for example, the door, the chalkboard, or a picture on the wall.
The spot has now become a place to anchor the visualizations created while reading or discussing the contents from a story or textbook.  The spot is the visual and spatial storing place associated with the parts of the story that need to be remembered.
To recall an important fact from the story, simply have the student look at the spot that anchors the information. 
Applying the “anchoring visualizations” technique
Since it will be Halloween soon, let’s apply this technique to the story, “Little Red Riding Hood.”  Although this is a story at the elementary level, the technique works for any information, at any level of sophistication.
The story begins as Little Red Riding Hood is asked by her mother to take some food to her grandmother, who loves Little Red Riding Hood so much she has given her a lovely red cape with a hood. 
For this part of the story, a student can choose a place in the room, let’s say the TV set.  While discussing or reading this part of the story, have your child look at the TV set and create a vivid image of a little girl.  Ask questions such as: how old is she, what color is her hair, how long is the cape, does she have her hood up on her head or not, what color are her eyes, what is she going to carry the food in, what shape is the container...etc.  The point of the questions is to teach your child how to create detailed images. 
For the next part of the story, have your child choose another location, such as the table, as you read or discuss the next section of the story and encourage your child to make vivid images by using questions to get the information to come to life.
In our example, this technique was applied to an elementary-level story, particularly because the story of Little Red Riding Hood is well-known.  But as I mentioned, it also works for middle school and high school content. 
I’ve used this approach to teach kids about DNA, the story line in Romeo and Juliet, and other high school level material.  It is an approach that works on any content, for learners of all ages, because it uses the concepts of locations in space combined with visual input, visual imagery, and language, making it a multi-sensory technique.  And multi-sensory techniques work better because they engage more than one part of the brain.
What are the characteristics of “vivid images”?
Use your questioning to help your child create memorable images.  What makes images memorable?  First and foremost—images should stimulate emotion (think of a crying man holding a limp child).  Another necessary quality is that images are unusual (try a blue dog).  Encourage your child to include other aspects of memorable imagery:  color, details and especially for kids of all ages—is the image gross!  Yes, I said gross (think of a snot sandwich).  The gross factor is very powerful for memory!

Intersections of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence: Things to be aware of during Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October


by B. Bullard

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month, a time for reflection and for increasing awareness about the high rate of intimate partner and familial violence that occurs in the U.S. and around the world.  As President Obama’s recent presidential proclamation indicates, despite many gains, “domestic violence remains a devastating public health crisis when one in four women will be physically or sexually assaulted by a partner at some point in her lifetime.”  It is also important to consider the many ways that human trafficking intersects with domestic violence.
Domestic violence is commonly considered a “push factor” for human trafficking.  Due to the increased vulnerability caused by an abusive relationship, victims of domestic violence can find themselves isolated and without access to the financial and emotional support needed to leave to a safe situation, which puts them at high risk for exploitation.  Domestic Violence can also be a push factor for those who become traffickers.  According to a recent study, 88% of the traffickers interviewed indicated that they had grown up in homes where domestic violence was present.
Physical abuse is not the only or most common form of abuse used in domestic violence and human trafficking. Typically psychological, emotional and economic abuses are more widespread. The Duluth Model Power and Control Wheel is a tool in the domestic violence field that examines the non-physical types of abuse that can occur in relationships such as economic control, using children, using threats, etc.  At Polaris Project, we have developed a similar tool called the Human Trafficking Power and Control Wheel that shows types of abuse found within various trafficking situations, many of which mirror that used in intimate partner and familial abuse.
Human trafficking and domestic violence can intersect in even more profound ways.   Intimate partners can force their partners into highly exploitative situations.  A partner can also be a human trafficker.  Intimate Partner Trafficking is not a type of trafficking that has been researched, prosecuted or discussed to the extent as other trafficking trends we see – but it does happen.  However, much like intimate partner rape, it is likely that this type of exploitation is highly underreported.   Familial Trafficking is another way that trafficking and domestic violence come into direct contact.  While it is difficult to believe that a mother, father, brother, sister could force a relative to engage in commercial sex or forced labor, this is a trend that we see in forced commercial sex situations as well as domestic servitude.
So this October while we strive to be more aware of domestic violence, we should also be aware of how it can impact our work in the anti-trafficking field and how important it is for all of us to work together to stop these abusive and exploitative crimes from occurring in our communities.



Pn.Norlilah Ismail

Tarikh: Hari ini..
Tempat: Di tanah kuburan
Situasi : Seorang isteri meriba anak kecil, dgn hati penuh sebak..baru semalam suami nya makan malam bersama..menyuap nasi ke mulut anak mereka. Baru semalam suami nya bergurau mahu anak dalam kandungan nya lahir lelaki...seperti ayah katanya....dan masih terngiang2 suara itu. Baru semalam suami nya...mencadang untuk mengecat rumah berwarna biru...( dalam hati isteri...biru bukan warna kegemaran suami nya..). masih ingat di benak jantung isteri; suami tiba tiba menyanyi bait bait lagu kegemaran mereka berdua, waktu mula mula berkenalan......walhal dah hampir 5 tahun lagu tu tidak kedengarannnnn......terbayang wajah suami ketika menyarungi jari nya dengan cicin pernikahan..sejuk terasa, gementar pastinya!!! Dan berbagai bagai kenangan lampau mengimbas kembali dalam minda..tetiba tangan isteri digerakkan oleh anak kecil di ribaannya...dan isteri kembali ke alam realiti...berada buat kali terakhir bersama suami......dan tanah mulai dikambus mengisi liang...sedikit demi sedikit menutupi, dan isteri langsung tidak mahu berkelip, langsung tak mahu melepaskan pandangan terakhir ini...... dan di sudut kejauhan hatinya, ...da sedar inilah realiti yang wajib dia terima...suami sudah tiada lagi................................

Tarikh: Hari ini
Tempat: Di kamar mahkamah
Situasi : Seorang ayah....tersekat nafas dan bergoncang jantung di dada...menerima hukuman paling berat!! Nak dikesali..sudah terlambat, nak kembalikan waktu...mustahil!!! Terpandang wajah isteri dan ibu yang sentiasa setia datang dan temani perbicaraan .....ya Allah, rasa seperti ada duri dalam perut,..sakit sakit sangat, nafas nya bertambah sempit.macam ada yang mengenggam kemas laluan udara di tengkoroknya... dialah anak, suami dan ayah yang paling bodoh yang mahu senang cara senang..yang mahu kaya dan bergaya. Fikirnya, takan buat sekali dah kena!!! ...buat sekali tu jeee.....dgn upah puluhan ribu, hidup akan senang..emaknya senang, isterinya senang, anak anak lagilah senang......kerja senang, naik bas ekspress dan bawa beg ....rasanya boleh kot!!! Memang dia tahu isi beg tu, memang dia tau risiko yang mengundang, memang dia tahu hukuman undang undang...tapi sekali jerr takan kena......kalau berjaya, sumpah tak nak buat dahhhh......itu janji dalam hatinya
Realiti kehidupan: malam tu, belum pun sampai destinasi, bas ekspress dah disekat polisi....tak bardaya nak mengelak, tak mampu nak berdalih, nak lari tak boleh, nak campak beg, cermin bas tak buka...oleh kerana baru pertama kali, senang jer...polisi kenal pasti....si ayah, dibawa ke kereta polis tangan bergari...dan kini hukuman sudah pasti..."mengejar senang, cara senang...nak kaya dan bergaya".....akhirnya, tanah tergadai buat bayar peguam, 10 tahun meringkok, berjuang untuk pembebasan...tapi taqdir yang menentukan..sayup kedengaran suara esakan isterinya.......yang tak sanggup dia tatapi....dan di tali gantung  hayatnya akan berakhir...tanpa gaya, langsung tak kaya, langsung tak senang...realitinya padah  risiko yang dicari

Tarikh : Hari ini
Tempat: Klinik
Situasi: Anak gadis memeluk tubuh, merengkok di atas katil rawatan....adooiiiiii.....sakit sakit sakit.... keseorangan, ketakutan..dan hati penuh marah, penuh benci, penuh kesal.....dan doktor pula sedang menyiapkan laporan, minta ambulan datang membawa nya ke hospital...gadis itu rancang nak lari, hajat nak blahhh.....tapi sakit yang tak tertanggung....nak berjalan pun tak berdaya, mulut menyumpah seranah...puaka punya jantan, setan punya buaya.....dan pendarahan tak dapat dihentikan.... terbayang wajah jantan tu, aarrghhh..bukan handsome sangat pun...bukan  pandai pun..budi bahasa langsung tak ade, harta lagi lahhhh...tapi kenapa begitu mudah jatuh padanya??? OUHHHH....bodohnya!!! gilenya!!!......memang gadis tau jantan tu tak boleh diharapkan, memang dia tau jantan tu takkan bertanggungjawab....nak tanggungjawab macam mana, kerja pun tak, rokok, top up dan minyak motor pun gadis yang support...minta dengan emak!!!...jadi apa yang buat gadis  mudah menyerah? apa yang buat gadis sayang giler pada jantan? ....nak bagi nak bagi......tak ade batasan......
realiti kehidupan: bila sangkut...si jantan tak percaya,..buat dek...hari berganti minggu, minggu berganti bulan....tiga bulan gadis tak boleh sorok dah, bila bersuara minta bertanggungjawab..Pangggg..menampar singgah di pipi gebu, yang dulu nya dicumbui...jantan naik motor terus belahhhh...call tak angkat sms tak balas...hilang langsung tak dapat dikesan...serabut kepala otak, gadis makan ubat yang dibeli di kedai ubat, pahit, maung, kelat, semua tanggung sendiri...tak lepas jugak,curi duit emak, pergi pulak ke dukun.....terpaksa sendirian, takut, dan sakit teramat....dan darah mula berdarah terus berdarah....gadis pitam di tepi jalan hingga dibawa ke klinik oleh entah sape yang gadis tak kenal ....realiti bahawa cinta murahan qurban murahan, tanggung sendiriannnn.

Awalan meN-

Munsyi Md Rasul bin Haron@Amatara Bahagian Matrikulasi 30 Jun 2022 Panduan Bahasa PROSES PENGIMBUHAN 2) Awalan meN- fungsi pengg...